Anya Shchetvina

Anya Shchetvina


2022 M.Sc. Cultures of Art, Science and Technology, Maastricht University

2022 Project manager and researcher in The club for internet and society enthusiasts

2021 Research Assistant, ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life, University of Bergen

2020 B.A. Cultural Studies


How to be the internet you seek: a glimpse into history of internet manifestos, in: Content/Form 2024, hg. von Geoff Cox, Aarhus, Transmediale/darc, 7.

Цифровая история российских регионов исчезает, in: Интернет и города России. Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, hg. von Polina Kolozaridi, Olga Dovbysh, Moskau 2024, pp. 142-161.

The internet will not remember you: curation of autobiographical online materials in Russia in Spring 2022, in: Memory, Mind & Media 3 (2024), H. 4.

[zusammen mit Gabriele de Seta] Imagining machine vision: Four visual registers from the Chinese AI industry, in: AI & Society 2023.

[zusammen mit A. Marsili] Laugh in Case of Emergency. Framing the Pandemic Through Memes in Italy and Russia, in: Baltic Screen Media Review 9 (2022), H. 2, 52-72.

[zusammen mit Polina Kolozaridi und Katrin Tiidenberg] No Country for IT-Men. Post-Soviet Internet Metaphors of Who and How Interacts with the Internet, in: Metaphors of Internet. Ways of Being in the Age of Ubiquity, hg. von Annette Markham und Katrin Tiidenberg, New York 202o, 221-231.

[zusammen mit Adi Kuntsman, Ekaterina Bogdanova, Elli Ponomareva] Disengagement from Internet Usage among Russian IT Professionals, in: Sociology of Power 30 (2018), H. 3, pp. 144-164. Abrufbar unter:


Manifesto Writing in Internet History. From Myth-Making to Tactical Imaginaries, Tagung “Digitality and the Public Sphere: Literature, Mediality, Practice”, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, September-Oktober 2024.

[zusammen mit Gabriele de Seta] Imagining Machine Vision. Four Visual Registers from the Chinese AI Industry, Tagung “EASST4S: Making and Doing Transformations”, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Juli 2024.

The Internet Will Not Remember You. The Effect of Internet Censorship on Personal Practices of Archiving, Tagung “RESAW23: Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age”, MUCEM Lab – Mediterranean Institute of Heritage Crafts, Marseille, Juni 2023.

What Constitutes the History of the Web. An Analysis of Two Cases, Tagung “History of Science and Technology. Museum Science”, The Polytechnic Museum, Moskau, Dezember 2019.

Histories Of The Web That Might Have Been. Tatarian Internet Project, Tagung RESAW’19 “The Web That Was: Archives, Traces, Reflection”, University of Amsterdam, Juni 2019.

Between the User and the Expert. User Identity Construction Among Russian IT Professionals, Tagung “Russian User Studies”, Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, November 2018.

Lehre / organisierte Workshops & Konferenzen


22.-24.04.2021: internet beyond 2020, club for internet and society enthusiasts, The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences.

27.-29.04.2020: internet beyond change, club for internet and society enthusiasts, NRU Higher School of Economics and The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences.

23.-25.05.2019: internet beyond disciplines, club for internet and society enthusiasts, NRU Higher School of Economics and European University at St. Petersburg.

28.-31.05.2018: internet beyond global network, club for internet and society enthusiasts, NRU Higher School of Economics.



Workshop über Methoden der digitalen Ethnographie und Online-Archivarbeit, Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization

2020 – 2022

Understanding People on the Internet. Identity and Online Self-Presentation; Historical and Ethnographic Approaches to Online Practices. Seminare (B.A.)
National Research University Higher School of Economics


E-Mail: anya.shchetvina[at]

Poetics of Operability: Internet Manifestos from the 1980s to the 2020s

Work that is done by various digital technologies is ultimately complex and therefore asks for active interpretation. The meaning-making often comes in the form of particular metaphors, rhetorical repertoire or adaptation of known literary forms, including manifestos, such as A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (1996), A blogger’s manifesto: free speech and censorship in the age of the Internet (2007), The #TwitterEthics Manifesto (2014) and others. The aim of this research is to address a selection of internationally-known manifestos for which the digital technologies are the matter of concern. The project emphasizes the questions of an interplay between this literary form and digital formats, manifestos’ approach to globality of the internet, and the range of political standpoints and their repertoire, to provide a multifaceted analysis of texts that aim to shape present and future of the digital technologies in society.

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