Discussion with Clare Pettitt: Seriality and Modernity


18:00 Uhr

Discussion with Clare Pettitt: Seriality and Modernity

Raum 1.201


Anderson, Benedict: Nationalism, Identity, and the World-in-Motion: On the Logics of Seriality, in: Cosmopolitics: ­Thinking and Feeling beyond the Nation, hg. von Pheng Cheah and Bruce Robbins, Minneapolis 1998, 117–133.

Lerner, Bettina: Seriality and Modernity: L’almanach des Mystères de Paris, in: L’Esprit Créateur 55 (2015), H. 3, 127-139.


Hopwood, Nick / Schaffer, Simon / Secord, Jim: Seriality and Scientific Objects in the Nineteenth Century, in: History of Science 48 (2010), H. 3, 251-285.

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